Small Business Owners

Need to reach confirmed small business owners to market your product or service? With Data List Leader you can easily reach thousands of small business owners with our accurate lists designed for direct mail, telemarketing, and email offers.

Find Small Business Owners by Industry

With our affordable lists, you’ll have all the data you need to reach small business owners by specific type of industry, the date the business was established, the sales volume of the company, the number of employees, building size, the direct point of contact, and much more. Our small business lists are the perfect leads for marketing promotional materials, web services, merchant accounts, insurance offers, and hundreds of other offerings designed for small businesses.

Get the most out of your marketing budget with a pre-qualified list of small business owners. If you’d like to receive pricing for our small business data, please call us today!

Small Business Owner Lead Filters

Here are some common filters or demographics our clients ask us for when trying to reach small businesses.

Nationwide with the ability to target down to zip code

Choose which industry type to target

Set data filters based on the number of employees

Sat annual sales volume thresholds

Filter leads by point of contact position (CEO, Manager, Director, etc.)

Reach only large businesses with or without websites

Over 100+ unique data filters to choose from including additional demographic targeting available upon request

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